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Meilleure vente à haute productivité Machine de fabrication de maltose et de glucose

publier Temps: 2022-11-30     origine: Propulsé

Maltose & Glucose Project Introduction

Starch milk adjustment: The proper DS value is adjusted using the starch milk adjustment. Additionally, once the water has been added, dry starch can be used. The exact DS value (DS=28%-32%), was used to alter the starch milk. The starch milk then moves on to the following phase.

Liquefaction: The method of liquefaction involves a jet cooker. For a more effective liquefaction effect, two ejections are required. Once in the flash tank for cooling, the material is then delivered there. The material moves on to the next phase after cooling.

Saccharification: To get the necessary DE value, saccharification is used. Syrup was liquefied and then sent to the saccharification tank. After a predetermined reaction period, the reaction is then carried out with the help of an enzyme. The target value is attained. The syrup is then taken to the next stage after cooling in the flash tank.

Filtration and decolorization: There are proteins and other contaminants in glucose. Protein and other contaminants were taken out of the glucose using filtration. After that, a decolorization process is used to remove colored impurities from the material. The decolorization technique makes use of activated carbon. The filter will eliminate the activated carbon after decolorization. The following stage receives the filtered glucose.

Continuous ion exchange: The filtered glucose contains a variety of contaminants. Systems that use continuous ion exchange remove the mixed ions of contaminants from glucose. Cation and anion resin is used to fill the ion exchange system. Based on their respective chemical principles removed from the desirable material, the cation and anion attract the combined impurity ions. The result is the production of pure, superior glucose.

Evaporation: To concentrate on getting the appropriate DS value, utilize the evaporator. The safety filter is used to filter the glucose before it is put into the evaporator for concentration. The desired DS value is then acquired. The final qualified product is then obtained.

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